I read this one a few years back. Definitely worth reading.

"C.S. Lewis fans, this week our Trackback Thursday title is Jack: A Life of C.S. Lewis. Written by a longtime friend and colleague of the man his friends called “Jack,” this definitive biography of C. S. Lewis recounts the scholar’s relationships and experiences. Jack details his life at Kilns, his days at Magdalen College, meetings with the inklings, marriage to Joy Davidman Gresham, and the creative process that produced works such as the Chronicles of Narnia, Mere Christianity, and The Screwtape Letters. This book is an intimate account of the man who helped generations hear and understand the heart of Christianity."
"Here’s a reminder of how Trackback Thursday works: Simply link to the blog post from your blog, leave a comment on Crossway’s Facebook Page, or re-tweet Trackback Thursday on Twitter @Crosswaybooks. Winners are picked on Friday morning."