Image by gsbrown99 via Flickr
Due to a power outage in my area this edition of I ‘Like’ Fridays was delayed a day. Here are the items I marked as ‘like’ in Google Reader from this past week.
1.) The Gospel Coalition and Ministry to Haiti from The Gospel Coalition Blog by D.A. Carson and Tim Keller
Want to give to Haiti and don’t know which group(s) are trustworthy? Here’s a good list.
2.) "How Can We Get Some Young Folks In Our Church?" from The Covered Dish by Jeremy Troxler
As the pastor of rural church with an ‘older’ group of members this post caught my eye.
3.) How Do You Put Your Sermon Together, part 1 and How Do You Put Your Sermon Together, part 2 from Kevin DeYoung
I am becoming a Kevin DeYoung ‘fan’. As a pastor who preaches weekly I enjoyed comparing notes with Kevin’s process.
4.) Carson Lecture on Evangelicalism from Justin Taylor by Justin Taylor
I blogged about this post here. Thanks to JT for bringing it to my attention.
5.) American Idol Auditions from Take Your Vitamin Z
We watch it because our wives like it. (Is that still the story we are going with guys?)
6.) What is a Worldview? Video by Glenn S. Sunshine from Koinonia by Zondervan
Short video, good definition, interesting looking book, even more interesting author’s last name.
7.) An Interview with Robert P. George on Roe v. Wade from Evangel by Justin Taylor
Lot’s of Roe v. Wade posts this week, this one stood out the most to me.
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